Fan Fiction Writer's Room

Detective Teletubbie and the Big Dump

Episode Summary

Teletubby Laa-Laa is a hard-boiled Private Investigator living in New York City. Who should walk through her door but Johnny Bravo. His piggy bank was smashed and he wants the culprit brought to justice. As Laa-Laa begins unrolling the mystery she discovers it goes all the way to the top.

Episode Notes

Teletubby Laa-Laa is a hard-boiled Private Investigator living in New York City. Who should walk through her door but Johnny Bravo. His piggy bank was smashed and he wants the culprit brought to justice. As Laa-Laa begins unrolling the mystery she discovers it goes all the way to the top.

Which character is your current crush? Send them on over to and they will appear on a future episode !!

The Band Known As Sea Water Bliss - Theme From Teen Wolf Too